Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hey Guys!!! Tis ABOOOBALIII! How goes it? Wow it has been so so so long since I've chatted with you guys. This is such a grandy idea! Anywhooo, life is fabu in Cincy. It's sad to think that I was so mopey at CMU. =( These past few months have been awesome. I am so much happier and healthier here. I played Ilia in Idomeneo and the girl I was double cast with had to cancel because of the Met finals... so I got to perform a lot! This past weekend I won 5,000 buckaroos at a competition that took place at CCM... so that ruled hiney. By the way, Olive juice, I saw that you and Barbara Paves are friends. I know you love your teacher, but if you get bored YOU SHOULD COME HERE AND TAKE LESSONS. She is incredible!!! I'm such a picky brat face when it comes to teachers, but she is my actual God. AAAND for those of you who don't know, I am dating the love of my pure life, Joel. (I'm sure you've seen pics on fb) He is a wild beast of fury and makes me laugh like a wild donkey. Anyway, this past week we signed the lease for our new HOUSE for next year. That's right people... an actual house with a deck and everything. Why am I 60 years old? In other news, I've decided to extend my Masters degree, so... I won't be graduating this year. Instead, I'll relax this summer while doing Cincy Opera's season, and then I will go back to school and take all the classes I've been wanting to take, but didn't have time for. It might be a full year, or 2 quarters! I haven't decided yet, and I feel BAAAADDD to the BONEEE because of it!!! Sike. It's also because I didn't finish my theory requirement on time because of all the review classes I was in.... thanks CMU. Anyways, I think I'm just trying to avoid real life. It sounds scaryyyy and expensivo! =( What are people doing this summer?!! We should have a reunion!!!!!!!!! PARTYYYYYYYYYYY!!! I'll bring the cookie dough!!!! =D =D =D... and brownies... and ice cream... and extra farts.


  1. This IS amazing, Abs!! I'm so glad you're succeeding! It clearly was the place to go for you! I don't think you would have been as happy here (but then who would!!) HAHA! I'm REALLY ready to get out. It's been an interesting that's made me sick of the whole thing! Not much positive reinforcement, and I have a desperate need to be out of school!!! I shall make a post about all of that. But I'm glad you're doing awesomely! I wanna hear your opera!!! :D :D

  2. I think we're all happier outside of cmu - i don't know what it was in the air - or the water -but it was sufficiently depressing....

    glad to hear you're doing well! and your bf is a hottie :)
