Monday, April 19, 2010

Choir for Cougars

So I sang "Steal me Sweet Thief" in Vocal Solo Class (Northwesterns equivilent of Voice Seminar but the teachers don't comment) today. To this day I can't think of that song without thinking of Abby when she did it for acting class! So Abby that one goes out to you! People are not a fan of that song at this school so I will probably not sing it ever again...but alas, I like it and will always think of Abby pretending to iron Colins jacket...or something like that:)

I also wanted to report that I completely pulled a Caitlyn today in Choir. Choir is horrible at Northwestern...I mean I suppose if you liked choir you wouldn't agree, but thats not, nor has it ever been me. The fact that I'm required to take it for one year infuriates me, even though I'm sure there are worse fates.

I'm in the community choir which is the lowest of the low. I specifically asked for this choir so
A. i could get away with not singing and
B. not have to go to choir three days a week.

The community choir meets every Monday from 7-9:30 and consists of not only all the awkward big non choir voices of the school but also community volunteer members....pure hell on earth I assure you (imagine a low budget church choir x 10). I've been trying to pre-game with $2 margaritas from Chili's before going and last Monday I was pretty tipsy and decided to write some erotic poetry interspersed with lyrics we were singing, one of my favorite verses was:

In my swollen busom
grant me peace
Your hand gently cups my soft flesh
Thumbs circle my tight rosey buds
Kyrie e eleison

But I digress...Today (possibly due to the strange pollens of Chicago) I was exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open so I slipped out from my back row seat and went up to the third floor and napped for an hour on the couches before heading down and joining the throng as they took their one break at the 8:30 mark. My friends noticed but the director came up and stood beside me and didn't say a thing. bahaha...remember when i did this in dance, Michelle, because we had pulled an all nighter.. Thankfully this time if the director had called me out I had my excuse all ready. "Why Dr. Harris, I'm so sorry, but I had a date with the Mary Jane":)


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH That poem is AMAZING!!!! I specifically love the last line "kyrie e eleison." I think it really captures the essence of the erotica. HAHA
    Glad to see nothing's changed. . . .the mary jane still keeps you company after all these years. And I think an all-nighter to play the sims is a qualified excuse to miss class. Allergies, though? That's week. ;)

  2. Also, Abby was mounting the jacket whilst ironing it in a display of sexual arousal. It was quite profound. And I like that song.

  3. HAHAHAHA!!! CAITLYN! i die to think of how many times you have mixed thoughts of sex and church/god. i can't imagine the dirty things you must think while taking communion.

    this would have been really perfect if you had done it on 4/20... which for those who don't know is the international pot smoking holiday. (i hang out with a lot of them)

  4. HAHAHAHA... amazing. I miss your sexy love poetry. I too enjoyed the Kyrie Eleison! hahaha. And yes, stupid acting class. How would having sex with mikes football jersey during class make the aria better? What a waste of my liiife. I thought of you yesterday caitlyn because I got my allergies tested!!!! I'm allergic to every tree in Cincinnati, as well as mold, and dust. Did I mention deathly allergic to cockroach poop??!! WHY ME???? I LOVE COCKROACH POOP!!!!!sike. ALSO, we were talking about Louis the XIV in history class the other day and thought of you all. Remember our scenes we had to do about the sexiness of CALVES!? o

  5. HAHAHA!!! And calf, and calf, and calf, and calf! That was awesome!!!

    Thinking of this reminds me of Joe Deren in acting class.
    "AND yet" (with the stress on the 'and')
    "Tobeornottobethatisthequestion" (Hamlet, at a rapid, well acted pace)

    Those of you inquiring into his status, he is alive and well. He has postponed his recital and jury to September, as he has pneumonia. I doubt anyone is surprised. Many of you have had the pleasure of seeing him upon your trips to MSM. Do you not feel lucky??
