Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hello, my fair people! I am glad to see that everyone is doing well, and that, at least for now, this is a success!! 
I've been playing around for hours trying to get the comments to work, and finally did. I can't change the template without losing them, though, so it's frustrating! Let me know if any of you computer savvy peeps can figure it out!!! 

So. . . .what is new with me? I am about to graduate from MSM, and honestly, I am counting down the days!! I have a major case of senior-senioritis, and NEED OUT!!  I have loved and improved so much studying with Cynthia Hoffmann, and have been doing some really great rep (Including a Pagliacci duet with Art Miller that Chrystal and Morg got to come see!!). And I've also found a new passion in Russian art song. I've been working on it all year, and my pianist from Russia says I have a Russian soul. I really love it! But overall, this year has led me to the express desire to take a large break from singing for the summer. It may sound odd, but I feel like I love it so much, that I need to get away from it for a small time to be excited to come back. I plan on moving back to the city next year and picking up where I left off. . .whilst also having a real job!! I'm really excited about it, and can't wait for the next chapter to start!

So what shall I be doing in the meantime, you ask?? This summer, I shall be head manager at a POOL in VA!!! It came about all of a sudden, and at just the right time! I'll be working 40-50 hours a week, and teaching swim lessons on top of that! It's one of the company's biggest/most important pools, so it will be a lot of responsibility and possibly some stress. . .but I'll be TAN!! And SUMMERY! I'm so excited! Hopefully there will be some wonderfully attractive male lifeguards or pool-goers to keep me company. Send me positive vibes about that

And I agree with Abby, we should have a reunion! Maybe in NYC? It's a place everyone wants to be. . .  :)

Can't wait to hear from everyone else!!!


  1. second in from the right...very yummy.
    Far left could be interesting...I like those pecks...and I'm sure you'd love to twirl your fingers in his chest hair Michelle:P

  2. You have used a lot of exclamation points in this entry.

  3. I like the second one from the right, got that edward cullen hair.
    Michelle - it's good to hear you're taking some time off to re-love singing. I think it really helps you refocus. Plus working at a pool during the summer sounds really really fun.

  4. AMaZING... actually, at this very moment I'm sitting in my Russian/Scandinavian song literature class. It WOULD sound beautious in your voice!!!!!! That's cool that you are taking some time off so that you're a fresh little star for next year. Which pool is it?!? I should be in Herndon for a couple of weeks this summer, so I can come visit your tan bodyyyyyy!!

  5. Oh my gosh!! Its a pool in Vienna called Vienna aquatics club!! When shall you be in Virginny?? COME VISIT ME!!! :D

  6. am i the only one that thinks baldy is cute?- bev

  7. Honestly, I didn't think any of them were actually hot...aside from their bodies...haha, but I do enjoy a good Edward Cullen reference! HAHAHA Oh, and chest hair, Caitlyn.
