Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I had NO idea who was writing that last blog until Caitlyn said "I'm so in love with Fabien". Then I proceeded to gag, but at least knew who it was.

ANYWAY HI! It's me. Olivia. Surprise!

I hope this idea catches on because I really do want to know what is going on with all of you, even though we are busy bees.

As for me, I'm living in Chicago and taking lessons from a magnificent teacher named Jan Bickel. She teaches at this dinky little college here in the middle of nowhere but she is a goddess.

I'm not sure if all of you know, but I think you do, I had vocal surgery a year ago from this week! to remove nodes. Rest assured it was the best decision ever and I am now working on developing my soprano voice. I guess I always knew deep down that I was meant to be a soprano. I hate it, however. The competition is RETARDED. There are billions of sopranos and it just makes me want to barf on my own head.

I'm having problems with my self esteem lately. You know, knowing I'm actually a talented singer and not getting down on myself and thinking HOLY SHIT, everyone else is SO much better. UGH.

So I think I'm taking another year off to really get more soprano rep under my belt and really continue to let my voice blossom. I don't want to rush these things seeing as we have all the time in the world. Not sure if I'll stay in Chicago with this teacher or move somewhere else to experience others....I'll keep you updated.

Also I'll be attending the Classical Singer Convention in NYC next month! I get to sing for people, get feedback, attend classes and masterclasses. It will RULE..

Hope to hear from you all SOON! <3


  1. I never talk to you, so it's good for me to be able to read up on your life. I'm really glad you're a soprano now, and I think that you should have high self esteem, because you're really hot. Also, I think you should consider moving to New York next year, in case that idea never crossed your mind. There are some really cool people who live there. Awesome to hear from you!

  2. Well I think you're fantastic. And self esteem can be really hard when you're going through big changes (like surgery... and switching voice part) - so give yourself some time to adjust. Just have patience and keep working towards what you want. you'll get there.
    too bad i'll miss you in new york! we should definitely have a reunion - after june, when i'm back. :)

  3. comment above was nisha by the way - haha.
