Friday, April 30, 2010

New Nisha Asnani music blog

Hey Guys,

I just created this - please read. follow. support when you can.



Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Aubrey and I got to hang outtttttttttttttttttt in Utah!!! Who is jealous?!?!
I showed her how to use the blog so after she and Philliam are done moving back to CA she promises she will write.
PS. Phil RULES. They are literally like perfection together. It makes me quite happy to see! :)

Had a voice lesson at the University of Utah and I reallllly liked the lady. They also were putting on Dialogues of the Carmelites and dudes. It was OUT of control good. I mean the acting was like they were all drama majors who could sing opera. NUTS. So I def think I'm applying there for next year.

I need to poop sooooooooooooooooooooo............bye!

there it is.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is for my ghetto people.

Just to gross you out - here's a picture of the last infection I had before surgery. mmmm.

Calling all missing 08'ers!!!

Colin! I know you are reading this! Please tell us what you are up to -facebook says you're engaged!?

Aubrey?! How's married life? and utah - I know you have your own blog but this is a place to share secrets that you wouldn't want your nanny kid's parents reading! Give us all the dirt :)

Chrystallllllllll - please don't slap me. please post.

Bevin - did I tell you I ran in to Erin in New York at Matt Siffert's bday party before I left? How are you? What are you doiiinnnngggg?

Morgana? Ou es tu?

did i miss anyone? joe deren? anyone know what he's up to?

Listen.. caitlyn, olivia, michelle and i have been blogging for a while so we can turn this into a dominated scene - but i'm really excited to hear from the rest of you. so i am CALLING YOU OUT! THAT'S RIGHT! BRING IT!

I forgot a HUGE highlight of my life. This is in Nov(?) I was interviewed on a NY radio station - and my song "Love me anyway" was played :) I was starting to get really sick - which I think you can kinda see.

as promised - the crotch video.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Chrystal's there in her red dress

It's been amazing the last two years to be able to see most of you guys and catch up. I can't describe the amazing experiences I've had on Caitlyn's visits to the city (you can imagine how much trouble we got into) or on traveling to Chicago to be with Liv during her surgery (that was an adventure...she couldn't speak!) or Morg and Colin coming to the city, having coffee with Abs, Nish coming to my b-day dinner, and not to mention bonding with Bev as roomies and classmates! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to see Aubs yet. . .but maybe in the near future!! (I hear you're doing awesomely!!)
My most recent encounter was last weekend, when I went up to New Haven to see Chrystal in her opera, The Nightingale. I've gone up a few times, and she's come to the city several times as well. (Make sure you hound her to update us on her life! She has some interesting things to share!!)

Here's us. . . six years after our first meeting. . . five after we roomed together as freshmen!

Yay! I'm so glad we've kept in touch and stayed friends! All of us!! :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Choir for Cougars

So I sang "Steal me Sweet Thief" in Vocal Solo Class (Northwesterns equivilent of Voice Seminar but the teachers don't comment) today. To this day I can't think of that song without thinking of Abby when she did it for acting class! So Abby that one goes out to you! People are not a fan of that song at this school so I will probably not sing it ever again...but alas, I like it and will always think of Abby pretending to iron Colins jacket...or something like that:)

I also wanted to report that I completely pulled a Caitlyn today in Choir. Choir is horrible at Northwestern...I mean I suppose if you liked choir you wouldn't agree, but thats not, nor has it ever been me. The fact that I'm required to take it for one year infuriates me, even though I'm sure there are worse fates.

I'm in the community choir which is the lowest of the low. I specifically asked for this choir so
A. i could get away with not singing and
B. not have to go to choir three days a week.

The community choir meets every Monday from 7-9:30 and consists of not only all the awkward big non choir voices of the school but also community volunteer members....pure hell on earth I assure you (imagine a low budget church choir x 10). I've been trying to pre-game with $2 margaritas from Chili's before going and last Monday I was pretty tipsy and decided to write some erotic poetry interspersed with lyrics we were singing, one of my favorite verses was:

In my swollen busom
grant me peace
Your hand gently cups my soft flesh
Thumbs circle my tight rosey buds
Kyrie e eleison

But I digress...Today (possibly due to the strange pollens of Chicago) I was exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open so I slipped out from my back row seat and went up to the third floor and napped for an hour on the couches before heading down and joining the throng as they took their one break at the 8:30 mark. My friends noticed but the director came up and stood beside me and didn't say a thing. bahaha...remember when i did this in dance, Michelle, because we had pulled an all nighter.. Thankfully this time if the director had called me out I had my excuse all ready. "Why Dr. Harris, I'm so sorry, but I had a date with the Mary Jane":)

mmmmmm toes

One guess as to whose foot that is.

So good news! I am officially singing at the Classical Singer Convention in NYC at the end of May! Then you get to meet with a panel and they tell you what they think, etc. AAAAND I'm signed up for a bunch of other cool stuff including a one-on-one where you talk about the obstacles of your career. Mini therapy! YAY

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I sang yesterday and must have pushed and now my voice is tired and I'm pissed. That is all.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


what the shit?

last day of acting


I just realized I didn't think I had these posted on fb so, enjoyyyy. (also if anyone figures video out, i have a really good one from the last day of acting. it involves olivia and abby in each other's crotches. that's all i'm sayin..)

Friday, April 16, 2010

My new thing is going to be to randmly post pics

technical issues

how do you post video?

also if you go to "settings" and "permissions" you can add your private email address as an "author" so that we can all post under our own email addresses and we won't have to write our names in the title. i also think this is a really good idea because after we all add ourselves as authors we can privatize the blog so that only us - class of 08 can read what we're writing.


Hello Lovely People,

Let me start by saying - this is a really cool idea. Kinda of like an e-"sisterhood of the traveling pants" if you will. except no pants.

It is so good to read up on what you guys are doing! I can't believe it has been 2 years since graduation. Things have changed so much for all of us... Has anyone been back to visit the mellon? I keep thinking I'll go, but my plans keep getting thwarted.

So what's up with me? Well... I am currently on hiatus from living in New York City until June - I've been in Orlando, Florida for almost two months and am staying another month. The reason is that my body decided to fail me miserably. I was having a lot of unidentifiable health problems (which really had started back in college - I always had stomach issues, sinus issues etc... and was treated for ulcers and a whole bunch of other stuff.)

Well they finally figured out what it was - I have Crohn's disease - which for those of you who aren't familiar is an auto-immue disorder (basically my immune system doesn't recognize my own cells in my gi tract and proceeds to ferociously attack). The suck part is that by the time they figured out what the hell was wrong with me - I was so deep in shit that I had to spend the better part of December - February in the hospital with all kinds of infections - culminating in "colorectal surgery" where they took out about half a foot of my small intestines and left me a nice little scar down my abdomen.

Needless to say, I decided to take a few months to live at home with my parents and recover from the craziness that has been my life.  It hasn't been all bad though - I've learned a lot about myself - found strength I never knew I had, and I've learned to really appreciate my family and my friends who have been an undeniable and constant source of grace and love for me. I've also had to clean up my act and cut back on the drinking, stop smoking and generally address my usual self destructive behavior. I now run 5 times a week and do yoga twice a week. my ass is quite firm.

I'm loving my time here in Florida. I got to see caitlyn for a week during our mutual friend's bridal shower, (please ask her about how her poo ended up in someone else's yard next time you talk to her). I'm working at a sushi bar literally next to my house a few days a week, teaching jazz voice lessons, going to local auditions, taking a shakespeare acting class and an improv comedy class, practicing, exercising, writing, and generally getting ready to return to new york. I also booked two shows here for the end of may to showcase what i've been writing to my friends and family in the area so that should be fun.

Musically - I'm still developing my own material. After I left school I stopped singing classically entirely. In fact, I actually don't think I've had a single voice lesson since my senior year of college - which completely baffles me sometimes. I started writing and playing the piano a lot more regularly. Eventually I started open-micing in new york - found musicians who were into what I was doing, put a band together and I've been gigging steadily in new york (or whatever random city i'm visiting) since last may. Some of the highlights of my career so far have to be...

-recording my demo (you can hear most of it on
-finding back up singers - seriously the coolest thing
-working with a dance company who choreograph to my original music - they actually use my stuff at a lot of showcases and we just got invited to play in scotland as part of a dance festival next summer (sweet)
-singing a christmas series at the plaza hotel this past holiday season (in between hospitalizations...)
- singing at yankee stadium during the world series
- randomly being recognized on the subway by people who had come to my shows
-writing/practicing/loving life as a struggling musician.

What I really SUCK at - and maybe you guys can give me some advice on this... is getting my stuff online. I have still not managed to get a website together and just can't seem to get into this whole tweet my life post everything online thing - especially now - when i try to spend as much time as i can outdoors - i just forget that i even have a computer or a facebook account - and i am certainly not making good use of the promotional capabilities of the internet.

As far as my personal life goes - I have not been in a really serious relationship since Ian and I broke up. It was really difficult for me after that - and it's kind of still a sore spot since Ian refuses to talk to me or acknowledge that I exist. (awkward)
What I have found is that I like dating. I think it's a gemini - born in spring thing. I love the beginnings of relationships. I have been having a series of thrilling, totally intense love affairs that always seem to end after a few months and it's actually totally ok with me -  because I can still appreciate them for who they are.
About a week after I got into Orlando, I met this really cute, really sweet guy - Austin. He manages one of my favorite restaurants, and dj's a local radio station. It's really cute when he dedicates songs to me on the radio. I always squeal like an actual 14 year old. We met because we were both playing a "Beatles night" showcase. Things are generally fantastic - he's great company, great physical connection, he makes me laugh a lot so -  we'll see how it goes. This is us like 3 days after we started going out...we're just both a little crazy, and a little crazy about each other. :)

He's so cute.

Anyways - I know that this is a lot of information. Thanks for reading all the way. I really look forward to hearing more from all of you - and keeping in touch regularly so that we don't have to post mini-novella's to fill each other in on what's going on.

I'm sending each and every one of you, individually, a hug and some love today.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hello, my fair people! I am glad to see that everyone is doing well, and that, at least for now, this is a success!! 
I've been playing around for hours trying to get the comments to work, and finally did. I can't change the template without losing them, though, so it's frustrating! Let me know if any of you computer savvy peeps can figure it out!!! 

So. . . .what is new with me? I am about to graduate from MSM, and honestly, I am counting down the days!! I have a major case of senior-senioritis, and NEED OUT!!  I have loved and improved so much studying with Cynthia Hoffmann, and have been doing some really great rep (Including a Pagliacci duet with Art Miller that Chrystal and Morg got to come see!!). And I've also found a new passion in Russian art song. I've been working on it all year, and my pianist from Russia says I have a Russian soul. I really love it! But overall, this year has led me to the express desire to take a large break from singing for the summer. It may sound odd, but I feel like I love it so much, that I need to get away from it for a small time to be excited to come back. I plan on moving back to the city next year and picking up where I left off. . .whilst also having a real job!! I'm really excited about it, and can't wait for the next chapter to start!

So what shall I be doing in the meantime, you ask?? This summer, I shall be head manager at a POOL in VA!!! It came about all of a sudden, and at just the right time! I'll be working 40-50 hours a week, and teaching swim lessons on top of that! It's one of the company's biggest/most important pools, so it will be a lot of responsibility and possibly some stress. . .but I'll be TAN!! And SUMMERY! I'm so excited! Hopefully there will be some wonderfully attractive male lifeguards or pool-goers to keep me company. Send me positive vibes about that

And I agree with Abby, we should have a reunion! Maybe in NYC? It's a place everyone wants to be. . .  :)

Can't wait to hear from everyone else!!!

In response to Abby

Since our comments aren't working............I'll post.

Abby, that is AMAZING that you're kicking so much ass. GO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any youtube vids we can watch of you or any sound clips you want to pass on?
And PS a house?! YOU are a grown person!! And I think it's really awesome you're staying another year to do what you need to do.
And PPS. I def want to come take a lesson with Barbara in the future. I'm on a kick where I just want to sing for a million teachers and hear what they have to say. I do recall my past lessons with her being helpful so I'll czech it out.


Hey Guys!!! Tis ABOOOBALIII! How goes it? Wow it has been so so so long since I've chatted with you guys. This is such a grandy idea! Anywhooo, life is fabu in Cincy. It's sad to think that I was so mopey at CMU. =( These past few months have been awesome. I am so much happier and healthier here. I played Ilia in Idomeneo and the girl I was double cast with had to cancel because of the Met finals... so I got to perform a lot! This past weekend I won 5,000 buckaroos at a competition that took place at CCM... so that ruled hiney. By the way, Olive juice, I saw that you and Barbara Paves are friends. I know you love your teacher, but if you get bored YOU SHOULD COME HERE AND TAKE LESSONS. She is incredible!!! I'm such a picky brat face when it comes to teachers, but she is my actual God. AAAND for those of you who don't know, I am dating the love of my pure life, Joel. (I'm sure you've seen pics on fb) He is a wild beast of fury and makes me laugh like a wild donkey. Anyway, this past week we signed the lease for our new HOUSE for next year. That's right people... an actual house with a deck and everything. Why am I 60 years old? In other news, I've decided to extend my Masters degree, so... I won't be graduating this year. Instead, I'll relax this summer while doing Cincy Opera's season, and then I will go back to school and take all the classes I've been wanting to take, but didn't have time for. It might be a full year, or 2 quarters! I haven't decided yet, and I feel BAAAADDD to the BONEEE because of it!!! Sike. It's also because I didn't finish my theory requirement on time because of all the review classes I was in.... thanks CMU. Anyways, I think I'm just trying to avoid real life. It sounds scaryyyy and expensivo! =( What are people doing this summer?!! We should have a reunion!!!!!!!!! PARTYYYYYYYYYYY!!! I'll bring the cookie dough!!!! =D =D =D... and brownies... and ice cream... and extra farts.


I had NO idea who was writing that last blog until Caitlyn said "I'm so in love with Fabien". Then I proceeded to gag, but at least knew who it was.

ANYWAY HI! It's me. Olivia. Surprise!

I hope this idea catches on because I really do want to know what is going on with all of you, even though we are busy bees.

As for me, I'm living in Chicago and taking lessons from a magnificent teacher named Jan Bickel. She teaches at this dinky little college here in the middle of nowhere but she is a goddess.

I'm not sure if all of you know, but I think you do, I had vocal surgery a year ago from this week! to remove nodes. Rest assured it was the best decision ever and I am now working on developing my soprano voice. I guess I always knew deep down that I was meant to be a soprano. I hate it, however. The competition is RETARDED. There are billions of sopranos and it just makes me want to barf on my own head.

I'm having problems with my self esteem lately. You know, knowing I'm actually a talented singer and not getting down on myself and thinking HOLY SHIT, everyone else is SO much better. UGH.

So I think I'm taking another year off to really get more soprano rep under my belt and really continue to let my voice blossom. I don't want to rush these things seeing as we have all the time in the world. Not sure if I'll stay in Chicago with this teacher or move somewhere else to experience others....I'll keep you updated.

Also I'll be attending the Classical Singer Convention in NYC next month! I get to sing for people, get feedback, attend classes and masterclasses. It will RULE..

Hope to hear from you all SOON! <3

It's late...

I was just reading my journal entries and starting another blog on here of my poetry and ponderings of life.

Late night TV is really quite horrible and graphic but alas I can't seem to look away.

I was actually reading journal entries tonight from sophmore year and reminiscing on how horribly and unhealthily obssesed I was with Fabien. Poor guy. I thought I was so in love. I still don't know what that feels like by the way. And for some reason that got me thinking about the trash bag story, I told it twice at a party yesterday. Ive told it so many times now that it almost feels like it happened to someone else. Ask Olivia, I've actually grown up quite a bit in grad school and have reduced the amount of life threatening situations I get myself into by atleast 40%.

I went into Northwesterns equivilent of the UC today. I never go in this building, I actually don't go in any of Northwesterns buildings except the school of music. The smell of all the different food shops brought me back to Carnegie Mellon like nobodies business. Remember when we would just go hang out in Skibo and do absolutely nothing, or get coffees and sit upstairs overlooking the black chairs, does it seem like a dream to anyone else? Those years in Pittsburgh were unlike any other in my life so far.

I'm glad i've gotten to see everyone within in the last year (except COLIN!) but I know as our lives take us in seperate directions we'll continue to drift apart, will we all ever be together again?!?!?!??!.........but nothing will ever completely sever those ties we formed making convo, making the Fergielicious video, and trips to Joe Mama's, the Waterfront, tanning, dance class with Buddy, watching movies in DG, and so freakin' much more...I mean those years will always have an impact on the people we are becoming...right? I know I'm being's 3am... my eyes are leaking tears at an alarming rate because I'm so tired and my brain is shrinking as I watch a man jump up and down in a banana suit screaming "I'm a banana, look at me bitch". For some reason this makes complete sense.

My acid reflux is making my esophagus and heart feel like an exploding volcano. Anyone have a cure...besides "try getting to bed at a decent hour?"

I hope everyone writes about all the infinite wisdom they've gained outside the walls of Carnegie Mellon these past couple years,.... clearly that doesn't apply to me...but lastly I hope everyone is still headed on a path to the sky one foot infront of another on a falic piece of grey metal erupting from the green grass of THE CUT:)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hello, Class!!

Hello, classmates!
So Olivia and I were talking today about ways to keep in touch with our four-year-family, and the idea of a communal blog came up! I thought, if we had a blog that everyone can get on and post, and we can comment on the posts, it would be a great way to keep up with each others' lives! I know we're all so busy, and there are so many of us, that we can't constantly be up to date with everyone, so this may be a good alternative!

We can share anything we want on here. . . . every day things we're excited about, amazing accomplishments in the singing world, things we just want to talk about. . .I think it could be really fun! I definitely don't get enough details on all of your wonderful lives!!

Remember, everyone has the login info, so anyone can change/update/edit whatever they want on here! It will be exciting to see what's changed when different people log on!

Hopefully this will be a fun vehicle to keep us in each others' lives!!
