Friday, June 4, 2010


Thank goodness you posted, silly bean.

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll as for me, updates here :

Too much to rewrite on this.

nisha called me out.


SOOOOOOOOO people I'm posting! Nisha called me out on her last post so here I go!

annnnnnnd we were sexy.

Phil and I lived in Utah for 1 whole year... actually about 9 months. It was an experience! The mountains in Utah are breathtaking, the people in Utah are nice, and the pay in Utah is atrocious. That I don't miss. We were VERY poor newlyweds and that was a growth experience. Being poor is horrible and I highly un-recommend it on one hand, and on the other, we learned a lot about what's important. We learned a lot about needs vs wants. I worked at a physical therapy office (ie paperwork central) had an awesome boss and nannied for his family half of my hours.  The office part was randomly stressful, lots of calling medical insurance companies, explaining benefits and writing medical records. On the upside if anyone is confused about their insurance coverage I may be able to shed some light!

This is a snazzy photo of Provo Canyon UT, Taken by one of my friendo's

I LOVED living in our first little apt together. I live to decorate and let me tell you when you get married the "nesting instinct" goes full force and you think about making your home a pretty nest all of the time. We lived in a college town surrounded by people our age, lots of dinners and game nights. I miss the friendships I built there. 
I love Phil.

Phil graduated. and see??! MOVES!!

Phil is the best, a good man, a sweet love, kind to everybody and a great dancer (with Michael Jackson moves haha!) so I hope you all can meet him someday. So far he's met Liv, Les, Lizz, James, Collin,  and Caitlin. He loved them all and I think they hit it off? yes? He treats me like I AM the lottery, love someone who makes you remember how much you're worthhhhhhhh (which is A LOT $$$$$$$$$$$).

Totally random picture of Jennifer Lynn Cherest b/c it kept showing up on my photo cue and I thought it would be silly.
Right now we're back in our home-sweet-town for the summer. 

Phil is working for our brother in Law who is a family law attorney. He is half thai and started out at Yale Drama so he's pretty tight. Phil writes contracts, serves papers, picks up dry cleaning, pretty much anything and everything the boss man wants, and because it's his own private practice and just the two of them there, he's getting some good lawyerly hands on experience.

I am nannying for an 18 mo. old baby boy named Brayden. He is a chunk at 30 lbs (that's a lot for his age. his legs look like they're made of bread dough.) and we go to the park together and then I feed him and then he naps. Pushing his running stroller = I'm gonna get in shape (not to say that I'm running because I'm NOT). I am also training to teach Kindermusik a children's music program for infants through age 7. I LOVE IT! It's so made for me and so far it's a perfect fit, singing+babies+me, I mean come on. I'll be teaching three classes this summer and then expanding to 6-10 classes in the fall. sooooo meant to be.

This is us graduating. Remember??????

So about the FALL. Phil will most likely be going to Golden Gate Law School in SF (!!!!!!!!!!). He's wait listed at William and Mary in VA and Yeshiva University in NYC, so if something happened there, it could mean a change of plans, but I'm kind of feeling like we're supposed to be here with our families. We're trying to decide if we're going to stay in the lovely 'burbs or move to the city, either way we are about to go into the student loan debt of a lifetime but then Phil will be a lawyer and hopefully will do well enough that I can have a million kids (ok not a million...).

Thats our life right now. We run around playing with nieces and nephews and family and we eat a lot of dessert, the simple life.

ps. I just gave my 8 year old niece charlotte a voice lesson. so tender!

I like this picture a lot.

I miss and love you people. xoxoxoxo

I want to do a post on "remember when's" next. I will do that sometime.